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Philip Hoffman

Philip Hoffman

Mat Wenzel

ENC 2135

Aug 1, 2019


After concluding all three projects in ENC 2135 I can say that I have learned many new techniques about all three classes. We first started the class by doing a Personal Narrative in the class where we described a time and place where we have been heard in our lives. The Personal narrative was not supposed to be essay type but to be about how we are to do types of things in how we are being heard. The personal narrative was the first essay I have done where I was supposed to describe all my types of interactions of how it was a personal narrative. The personal narrative taught me a lot on how to write for college type of papers and how I need to double check my papers and make sure spell check is being used. I had some grammar issues that I could have easily corrected and got a better score. With the personal narrative I was also given lots of time to write the paper in the beginning of Summer C which was very helpful and taught me how to time manage my classes. The personal narrative also helped me know how I can type an essay effectively and learn how I can be a better writer. That was the first project we had to do for mats classes, and I was happy to learn about my grade for the paper.

With the first project done, I had to do the inquiry project of a community that I felt drawn too. I chose to do my project on the Advertisement Club of Florida State University. I was very interested in the club as I found it in at the orientation for summer C connected with advisor right away. From there I had write a paper on my research of the advertisement club along with tmy interview with one of the members named Jake who is an incoming sophomore. Jake was a nice guy and was able to help me learn many new things about how I can incorporate these ideas for my project. The project was one of the harder projects I've had to do because it took a lot of work and planning, and I know that I have to do a better job with this in the fall because I can't fall behind. This paper also showed and brought out my potential in the class and my abilities in English that I didn’t think I had. I was able to bring together many ideas and thought into one paper with using one source the advertisement club. I really feel that I will be joining the club in the future and happy to see what it has to offer

My last project was the campaign for on my conclusion on why I wanted to show and represent the advertisement club. During the campaign I had to create a podcast on what I I thought should be learned and I should communicate to people who would protentional want to join the club. My campaign included me making a twitter and a SoundCloud on why I think the advertisement is something that people should join. I was able to put together an effective podcast on the one topic from my inquiry project into my podcast and was easy to construct. With this I also had to create 2 ways ot communicate my genres which I decided would be Instagram and a twitter. With this said I present tomorrow to the class for everyone to see. To reflect on this project, it was something that I could took another look on my paper and see what I could information and use into a podcast for this project. This project told me how to multitask on a paper because there are many things you have think about and incorporate into the voice memo and the essay to make sure I get my point across about the advertisement club. 

To conclude after doing all three projects for ENC 2135 I was able to learn a lot about how college paper and English works. I had to learn how to put together many multiple parts of a paper together and how to make it flow smoothly and precisely. The 3 projects were not very difficult but required a lot of work and concentration in order to get everything turned in on time and to make sure I had to put all parts together to make 3 effective pieces into a specific genre.

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